USTA Leagues
USTA League Tennis is the country’s largest recreational tennis league with more than 320,000 tennis players participating yearly. It provides organized, structured team matches for men and women of all ability levels. Levels are based on the National Tennis Rating Program (NTRP) and range from beginner (2.5) to advanced (5.5). All teams are set up according to players' NTRP rating and players are assured of facing someone of comparable ability.
Players in USTA leagues must have a valid NTRP rating listed in TennisLink. A USTA membership is required for participation.
Listed below are the six USTA leagues currently offered in the Eno River League:
To learn more about USTA Leagues, check out our USTA Eno River League HUB. Here you can find everything you might need to participate as a captain or a player, including registration instructions, league start, and end dates, regulations, and more.
Below we have included links for quick access to some frequently used USTA Player Resources:
the Public Court Calendar, the current season's Need a Team? Request Form,
the Available Player List, and the Tennis Court Locations.
Below we have also included links for quick access to the following forms: Canceled Match Form, Make-up Match Court Request Form, and the Play Ahead Court Request Form.
To report any court issues, please visit the Durham One Call Website:
or call this number: 919-560-1200