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Try Play


Try Play is a fun and engaging program offered as a follow up to Try Tennis that allows adult players to learn the ins-and-outs of playing a tennis match. This program is a “play-to-learn” session for adult beginners that want to build confidence in their newly learned tennis skills. It is the perfect next step in getting comfortable with match play.

This program is ideal for Try Tennis graduates and beginner tennis players that have very little match play experience, who do not have a USTA rating, or who are rated 2.5 and below. 

In Try Play you will: 

  • Work on improving your strokes

  • Review how to keep score

  • Learn match etiquette

  • Learn singles and doubles movement on court and court positioning

  • Learn how to play a 7-point and 10-point tie-breaker using the Coman tie-break.

  • Learn warm-up routine prior to match play

  • Play practice sets

  • Play practice matches

For more information, check out the Try Play Website:

or Contact: Susan Graff - Try Pathway Coordinator:

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