Rams Head Club

Eno Community Tennis Association is thrilled to offer an all-new tennis league for students at UNC-Chapel Hill. Varsity and Club sports aren't for everyone, but the Rams Head Tennis Club is another option for those that want to get out on the court for some friendly competition. Sign up to play in this Fall league with other students on campus.
Matches will be played on Cobb Courts
191-199 Cobb Dr (at Tennis Court Dr) Chapel Hill, NC 27514
The season will last 8 weeks.
$35 per player (Tennis balls and Rams Head Tennis Club T-shirt included)
Players will be required to show their UNC OneCard at each match.
Match Format: Will vary week to week but may include Men's, Women's and Mixed Doubles with Singles play depending on player availability.
Match Times and Dates
2/16 at 5:00 PM
2/23 at 5:00 PM
3/2 at 5:00 PM
3/23 at 5:00 PM
3/30 at 5:00 PM
4/6 at 5:00 PM
For more information contact:
Chris Moffitt, Eno CTA Executive Director - executivedirector@enoctanc.com